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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Voters to be welcomed with red carpet at model stations

To make voting experience pleasant, the administration will set up model polling stations to accord red carpet treatment to the voters on the voting day on June 1.
Presiding over a virtual meeting with all assistant returning officers (AROs) and others, district election officer Sakshi Sawhney said the aim was to make voting feel-good for the voters. She said every assembly segment would have model stations to ensure smooth and hassle-free voting experience to the voters besides strengthening their participation.
Sawhney said that the model stations would have good condition building with fresh wall painting, easy access, good quality furniture for polling personnel and agents, display boards, voter assistance booths manned by booth level officers and other facilities. Further, first aid for the voters will be present.
She also added that voters are the backbone of democratic system, and every effort would be made to enhance their participation. A special thrust is being laid on encouraging the young and specially abled voters to come out and cast their vote, she said.
